Collection & Recovery-Soft / Tough


A. Collections

Collection & Recovery-Soft / Tough
Customer Handling & Issue Resolution
Tele- calling (Tough & Soft)

We are debt recovery agency provides a quick, focused and workable solution with high rate of success and most importantly, we try to be honest in our assessment of probability of success.


We provide quality debt collection services on a worldwide basis. We achieve our goal with relentless research, experimentation, efficient use of technology and teamwork whilst maintaining strong and amicable relationship with the debtor, thereby allowing you to keep the “window of negotiation” for future business opportunities.


Whilst we maintain a high success rate with amicable recoveries but if necessary we have the ability to initiate legal action through to a successful conclusion – via the court, thanks to our network of lawyers, which provides for preferential services and rates.


In today's liberalized business environment, loans and borrowings are easily available. With the growing financial and economic activities, there has been rise in bad debts as well. Though, all the financial institutions, banks and other money lenders carryout basic verifications, yet the habitual defaulters succeed not only in availing loans and finances while submitting false, fabricated and manipulated documents but such defaulters also are clever enough to avoid/delay payment of legitimate dues while adopting one or the other tricks or tactics.